Top Tips to improve employee engagement and performance

Top Tips to Improve Employee Engagement and Performance

The weight of an underperforming team can crush the soul of even the toughest boss.

You’ve tried everything, haven’t you? Ignored the issue, publicly humiliated them, hovered over them like a helicopter, thrown KPIs and performance plans at them, and maybe even scared them witless. And yet, nothing’s worked! Who could have seen that coming?

So, what’s left to do?

Ah, my dear colleagues, let’s dive into the juicy topic of employee engagement, something that’s more important to me than my morning cup of coffee. As someone who’s a master in the art of leading high performing teams, let me tell you, engaged employees are like the holy grail of business success.

Let’s first address the paramount question – why does employee engagement hold such great significance?

Well, for starters, engaged employees are the ones who will make your business soar to new heights. They’re the ones who give their blood, sweat and tears, come up with brilliant ideas and create a culture that attracts even more top talent.  And the cherry on top?  They’re also more likely to stick around for the long haul, saving you from the nightmare of high turnover and costly recruitment, which means you’ll have a more stable and experienced team.

Alright, it’s time to fasten your seat belts and prepare for an exhilarating journey, as I’m about to reveal my top 7 secrets for keeping your team members engaged, motivated, and, drum roll please…loyal!

The first step is to create a culture of transparency and trust. This means dropping the act of secrecy and embracing openness like a politician in an election year. Encourage your team members to share their thoughts and feelings, listen to them with an open mind, and watch the magic unfold. When everyone feels heard and respected, it sets the tone for a positive and collaborative work environment.

Speaking of honesty, ain’t nobody got time for beating around the bush! Be transparent with your team about what’s going on in the business, both the good and the bad. Ask for their input and be receptive to their feedback. When your employees feel like they’re part of the conversation and are heard, they’re more likely to be invested in the outcome.

Now, brace yourself for this next one, as it might sound a bit radical: give your team members permission to fail. Yep, you heard me right. Nobody’s perfect and sometimes, we all fall flat on our face. And that’s okay! Failure can be a powerful tool for growth and learning, so give your team the freedom to experiment, take risks, and make mistakes. When they do fail (and they will), provided they’re coached properly, they’ll be more likely to learn from their mistakes and come back stronger than ever.

If you want to keep your team members from running to the hills and remain engaged, you need to offer opportunities for growth and development. I mean, let’s face it, your employees aren’t going to stick around forever if they feel like they’re stuck in a dead-end job with no chance of advancement. Whether it’s through training programs, mentorship, or just giving them more responsibility, your team will be more invested if they feel like they’re learning, taking on new challenges or advancing in their careers.

A little appreciation goes a long way, so make sure you’re acknowledging your team’s achievements and celebrating the wins. When your team achieves something awesome, celebrate it! Recognise their hard work and give ’em a pat on the back. Whether it’s a big milestone or a small victory, taking the time to genuinely acknowledge your team’s accomplishments shows them that their efforts are valued.

If you’re looking for a sure-fire way to get your employees to roll their eyes, you can’t go wrong with forced fun! But in all seriousness, fostering a sense of community through team building activities is a key component of employee engagement. From volunteer days to trust falls, these activities can help build camaraderie and boost morale, whether your team members are enthusiastic participants or begrudging attendees.

The last point to consider is the significance of empathy and establishing personal relationships with your team. That’s right, we’re going beyond basic “how was your weekend?” chit-chat and diving into some real connections. Take the time to actively listen to them, understand their perspectives, and acknowledge their feelings. By building personal connections with your team members, you’ll be able to recognise when something is going on for them that may be impacting their work. Whether it’s a personal issue, a challenging project, or a difficult co-worker, knowing your team members on a personal level can help you provide the support and resources they need to overcome obstacles and stay engaged in their work. It also helps to show that you care about your team members as actual human beings.

So, there you have my top 7 tips on keeping your team engaged.

Remember, your employees are your greatest asset. So, invest in them, nurture them, and watch your business thrive. Trust me, it will pay off in spades!

But don’t worry if you’re short on time or don’t have the inhouse expertise. That’s what I’m here for! I’m more than happy to help out and work my magic.